Top 10 Ways Intern Valerie Embarrassed Herself in 2012

2012 was not exactly the year of Valerie Armstrong. That’s not to say it didn’t have its awesome moments, but it was a year that has seen more humiliation than any other (post-high school, of course). So, in an effort to make 2013 an improvement, let’s go through what made this year so…interesting.

1. I’ve cried at every Ask Amy. Without fail. Every pot has a lid? What are you trying to do to me, Amy Poehler?!


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2. I still have a Blackberry, and a first generation one at that. One of the coolest things I got to do this year was meet Jeff Winger–I mean Joel McHale. I took a picture with him. He, too, made fun of my phone.

3. I’ve lost count of the amount of times I’ve gone through every season of Parks and Recreation. They’re all on Netflix and have Adam Scott. What did you expect?

4. I was pick pocketed at my local grocery store. Joke’s on them–have fun with that $0 of mine that’s now available to you. Well, joke’s on me a little bit, too.

5. On an interview, I accidentally revealed just how many movies I watch (at the time, it was 4 in the last 24 hours). Interviewer was more concerned than impressed.

6. I read Atlas Shrugged. That bitch is crazy.


7. I invented a new cookie that everyone else thought was “too much for them.” Cookie dough, layer of marshmallow and sprinkles, more cookie dough, sprinkles on top. BAM. I could eat four of them in 5 minutes (and have).

8. I somehow watched ER beginning to end. All 15 seasons.

9. I got drunk with my friends and wound up in Vegas the next morning. Only to remember that I don’t gamble and Las Vegas scares me to death.

10. I watched the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy in one day. Extended editions. And I made a cake for the occasion.


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About the author

Valerie is Comediva's current intern extraordinaire where she researches things and sits at the front desk like a boss. A semi-young East Coast transplant, she moved to LA eighteen months ago with a car that saw the millennium, a couch to stay on for a week and two friends in the city. She now boasts the same car, a month-to-month lease, and a whopping five friends in the city. She has a thing for pasty, red-headed boys (lookin' at you Louis C.K.), television, and canned frosting--of which, only one can be considered acceptable in Los Angeles.

Back East, she has an over-achieving yet horribly-lovable big brother at Yale, and the sweetest parents imaginable, as they never complain that she's not at Yale. As a writer, she dreams of the day she sells something and tells her brother to suck it (and then with great apology, takes it back immediately).

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