Pros and Cons of Dating a Vampire

Pros Cons
Your very own cooler during those long, summer nights. Cuddling during wintertime isn’t all that cozy.
You only need to buy food for one. You are food for one.
Rigor Mortis: saving money on Viagra! Hugs might feel a little stiff.
No in-laws! Some nutso vampire monarch might not approve.
They will never be too tired to get it on super late. But you might be.
They’ll always be able to find you, no matter where you are, if you’re in trouble. They’ll always be able to find you, no matter where you are.
If you get into a fight, all you have to do is un-invite them from your house and they have to leave. With permission from the vampire government, or with all of their club earnings, they can buy your place and never have to wait for your invitation.
They’re really good at giving hickies. You need to start investing in band-aids and turtlenecks.
They will never become not-hott. You will.
No pregnancy scares. All sorts of other scares: like them creeping up behind you super fast, or appearing in really unexpected places.

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About the author

Hi, friend! I'm Vickie Toro. I'm the lesbian in Lesbros, the creator and one of the writers of BAMF Girls Club, and the Frumpy Girl who commiserates with your Style Ineptness. I'm a Potterhead, water-dancer, and overall TV junky. Also sports movies make me cry.

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