College is a field for exploration and learning of all kinds — including sex! For some, a romp with a few gals seemed like just a “phase” (we believe you), but for others this phase may be the first step toward running out of the closet. For those who are not sure, here’s a friendly guide toward embracing the lesbian inside!
But what’s the difference between lesbianism-lesbianism and gay-til-graduation?
For those of us who’ve known we were gay since the womb (or, at least, since that time in pre-school when a smile from the prettiest girl in class made us nauseous), the heteroflexible (that is, bi-curious) chicks we met and fell in love with were on our shit-lists. (To this day, I mourn the fact that flannel no longer means “lesbian,” but “Haha. Fooled you!”)
But are the bi-curious really to blame? Surely they’ve (you’ve, perhaps) struggled with all sorts of confusion, and don’t merit any kind of bi-furious grudge-holding. After all, who’s to say you didn’t have fun during those L Word marathons and PETA rallies?
And now that you’ve graduated, and are no longer surrounded by things like OutLists and feminist student orgs, all of that confusion must be bubbling up again. Is it? Could it be? Something Dyke-éd this way comes?
So, to help you ladies out, here’s how you can tell if you’re STILL a lesbian:
1. Ryan Gosleazy
No amount of body oil on a naked Ryan Gosling will make you faint, unless it’s too heavily scented. That scene in Crazy Stupid Love where Emma Stone (swoon) goes all gaga for his shiny abs? Nothing doing.
Things like The Penis Game and penis jokes in general are still doubly funny — despite your degree from an accredited university — because, well, they’re ironic. And that appreciation for irony probably means you’re also a hipster, and, I mean, what hipster chick isn’t at least a little lesbian these days?
3. Sacrifices Made for Pussy
And by “pussy” I actually mean “cat” (though, if you took it the other way, that’s also a pretty good indicator of lesbianism). No matter how deathly allergic you are to felines, you can’t help but spout love for them on the daily, and petting them every chance you get (slut).
4. Pussy Appreciation
Redundant? Nope, because this time I actually mean “vagina.” You know and love your ladybits, dearly, and you know your way around one. While your dude-friends and straight girlfriends are weirded out by any reference to the beave, you revel in all that is yonic sonic.
5. You’re a lesbian.
You dig chicks. I mean. Is there any other way to say this? You live your life snatchtastic; only ladies get a free pass downtown; boobs aren’t just for friendship-bonding.