5 Reasons The Westminster Dog Show Is Like Tom Hardy

1. Tom Hardy was born in 1977. The Westminster Dog Show started in 1877. In the scope of all history, that’s basically the same date.

2. Tom Hardy hates and even fears wigs, “I don’t like wigs the way some people don’t like clowns.” Similarly, Dogs hate wigs.


3. Tom has many tattoos. He gets one every time he finishes a project, or goes through a momentous event. Likewise, the dogs at Westminster get treats.

4. Tom Hardy’s real name is Edward Thomas Hardy. Ed Hardy, anyone? The trainers at the Westminster Dog also make terrible fashion choices.




5. Tom Hardy has strong opinions about what a dog should look like, “I feel sorry for a poodle because he’s a dog. You know, a dog is a f**king great creature. They would do anything for you. And the poodle gets a haircut. No one asks if the poodle wants his hair cut like that. Do they? They just f**king cut his hair like that. And he just walks around. And everyone is like, ‘Why is that poodle so snarky?’ ‘F**k you’.”

Westminster also has strong opinions about what a dog should look like…but they probably don’t agree with Tom Hardy when it comes to Poodles.


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