Writer Jane Espenson on Game of Thrones, Torchwood and Geek Girls
Jane Espenson started off her writing career by writing a spec script for M*A*S*H, and never sending it. Since then, she’s been a writer and/or producer for almost every popular scifi/geek show out there. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Battlestar Galactica, Dollhouse, Caprica, Warehouse 13 and more. (Take a look at her IMDB page and marvel!) She wrote the most recent episode of Game of Thrones, and critics across the board have called it the best episode yet. She’s writing the next season of Torchwood for Starz and has just been named Consulting Producer on the new show, Once Upon A Time… read more.
Jenna Busch was the host of Moviefone Minute and is a writer of all things geek for AOL, SCI FI Wire, JoBlo, Huffington Post, Popeater, UGO, IGN and Geek Week. A New York transplant living in Los Angeles, Jenna has been on many sides of the entertainment industry. Makeup artist, (don't stand too close, or she'll glue something to you) actor, (stopped because she felt that replacing body parts with silicone was the first step towards becoming a cylon) and finally writing, which allows her to work in her pajamas.