Photo Source: 411mania.com5. “Mother” in Alien. ♥ In this sci fi classic, Mother was the computer that woke the Nostromo’s hibernating crew upon receiving an unusual signal. That signal wound up being from those creepy mouth-within-mouth aliens, and in the end, Mother and the Alien got nearly everyone massacred. But the cat’s okay. I’d say this is not a good example of good parenting, unless you count the fact that subsequent Alien sequels led to a very stable financial situation for Sigourney Weaver.
Photo Source: tripod.com4. Mother Courage. ♥♥♥ Brecht’s “untragic heroine” Mother Courage epitomizes the ugly brutality of war and the opportunitistic pragmatism that comes with it. As a mother, she is incredibly loyal and protective of her children, yet ultimately cannot keep them from their deaths as she has foreseen. Courage’s “anything for a buck” mentality can seem off-putting, but that’s sort of the point: she keeps it real. She works HARD for the money, and does what she can to save her kids, but once all is lost, she moves on.
Photo Source: sfweekly.com3. Mother Jones. ♥♥♥♥ This is Mary Harris Jones, the labor organizer from the turn of the century. Mother Jones got involved in activism in 1871 after she lost her husband and four children to yellow fever. She was known for her incredible charisma in public speaking and, due to her effectiveness in mobilizing action against mine owners, was dubbed “the most dangerous woman in America.” The tragedy of losing her own children led Mother Jones to become a mother and leader to thousands of neglected Americans. She also gets bonus mom points for organizing a march on President Teddy Roosevelt’s house to protest poor enforcement of child labor laws, and for calling herself a “hellraiser.” Badass!
Photo Source: turnbacktogod.com2. Mother Theresa. ♥♥♥♥♥ Obvs, right? Mother T was so good that she became a saint. She devoted her life to helping the indigent in Calcutta, and she never guilt-tripped a single one of them for “never calling.” You can’t argue with sainthood and a Nobel Peace Prize, though given that Mother Theresa was a nun, she didn’t technically have any of the life experience of actual childbirth.
Photo Source: Nikki Muller’s Moms
1. Yo Momma. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Who gets more talked about than yo momma? Although we tend to focus on the negative, such as her weight issues, or her lack of intelligence, or perhaps her loose morality, at the end of the day, yo momma is yo momma, so she’s the greatest! (Though I KNOW you’re not talkin’ bout MY momma!) My Momma somehow raised me and my sister on less money than I make now, and clearly we turned out awesome. Plus, she’s always there when life gets hard. On my list, she goes right to the top. Love you, Mom!