Web Creeper of the Week: Stop Jerking Around & Mr. Insecure

Stop Jerking Around

FootJerk:  wat a beautful nose u have!!any chance to chat? 🙁

  Nose?! Ha. I haven’t heard that one before. Thanks?1797394_s

FootJerk:  yea ur nose really so so cute ..ı havent seen that one b4 too..

MissAnthropic:  Thank you, I think.

FootJerk:  ur name_?

MissAnthropic:  Bertha.

FootJerk:  wat happened ı dont know but ı cant take my eyes from ur pics

MissAnthropic:  Please don’t jerk off to them. THAT would be creepy.

FootJerk:  no ı dont dont worry..to jerk off must see ur feet

MissAnthropic:  But not as creepy as that.

insecureMr. Insecure

Hypocrite77:  Hi. How r u.

MissAnthropic:  I am fine.

Hypocrite77:  What up. Wud u like to talk on the fone?

MissAnthropic:  No.

Hypocrite77:  why not

Hypocrite77: u got nice big tits

MissAnthropic:  Classy. That might work on someone else, but not me.

Hypocrite77:  who cares ur in cally like i”ll ever meet u and there probably good in thre ocean

MissAnthropic:  Wow, you really should take a 3rd grade grammar and English course. If you aren’t in California, then why bother sending a message?

Hypocrite77:  i know i can’t spell who cares i can count all my money and i’m just tring to be nice but all u cally girls r bitches and i guess i’m not dark enough to talk to

MissAnthropic:  No, you are lazy in your spelling and grammar. You have no conversational skills whatsoever, and you haven’t said anything riveting enough to inspire me to have a phone conversation with you. Maybe try someone high school age or in grade school on the same reading level as you. And we are “Cali” girls. Not “cally.”

Hypocrite77:  ur cally to me like a girls name and i am lazy in grammer but at least i’m not lazy in exercise by the looks of u u seem a little lazy in that field?

MissAnthropic:  LOL. You can’t offend me with fat jokes, ugmo. Unlike you, as is so apparent, I have this thing called self-confidence. You contacted me, and now you’re butt hurt because I called you on your bullshit and illiteracy. Try someone a little more on your intellectual and physical appearance plane. Have a nice day. 🙂

Hypocrite77:  ur a bitch

MissAnthropic:  Yup.


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