With Grumpy Cat’s newfound fame, one question remains: …what’re the other kitties who were in her litter like?
Here are some guesses:
1. Stumpy Cat
Grumpy Cat’s stubby little legs are adorable, and probably genetic. But probably still not as severe as sibling Stumpy Cat’s.
2. Frumpy Cat
Too apathetic to even give a little bit of a fuck about her appearance.
3. Dumpy Cat
The first and biggest of the litter born, and a major kibbles-addict.
4. Jumpy Cat
Addicted to catnip, this little kitty only needs a whiff of the stuff before she gets paranoid and twitchy and the munchies.
5. Chumpy Cat
The gullible one of the bunch.
6. Crumpy Cat
Knows how to bust a move and make all the other felines swoon.
7. Humpy Cat
Snipped, but still at it.
8. Pumpy Cat
The Gym-addict. Her endless supply of endorphines drives Grumpy up the wall.
9. Rumpy Cat
Baby got back.