Once in a great while, the forces of the universe converge and bring a lesbian and a heterosexual man together in a unique meeting of the minds. Not a bromance, not a womance, but a LESBROMANCE! Such a confluence has occurred in the Comediva offices between Top Lesbian Vickie Toro and Breeder Luis Navarro! United by Harry Potter, the written word, a penchant to giggle, and the undeniable hottness of Kate Winslet, these two intrepid pioneers bravely blazed a trail of equality and acceptance across the gender divide.
[sz-youtube url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65Rv00WaRv4″ /]
During the course of this epic LESBROMANCE, the curtain was pulled back and a certain unalienable truths became evident. Lesbians and straight dudes (at least, this lesbian and this straight dude) have got a lot in common!
Breeder Man
1) Meat
2) BBQ / Grilling
3) Weapons
4) Explosions!
5) Sylvester Stallone / Chuck Norris / Anyone from The Expendables 1 OR 2
6) Urinal dividers!
7) Gadgets and gizmos
8) Ridiculously expensive pens
9) Halo / MW3 / Video games
10) Leaving the seat up
11) Couches (they’re comfy and have multiple functions!)
1) Vegetables
2) Subarus!
3) Hillary Clinton
4) Trees
5) Feelings
6) Cats
7) Hiking
8) Nail-cutting
9) Quills
10) Feminism
11) Gaslamps!
1) Lanyards!
2) Hair Gel
3) Christina Hendricks!
4) Hats
5) Rollin’ up your sleeves!
6) Trapper Keepers