Okay. Much better. I had to take a nap for 17 hours. I was higher than flowered pants. I knew something had gone awry when I tried to heat up my Hot Pocket dipped in beeferoni inside my Xbox. It happens.
So I was all cocky thinking I was going to write up this 420 Day thing in like 10 minutes. I thought I knew the full story, the legend handed down for generations. Then Uncle Google tells me all kinds of stories about this dude and that dude and this going on over there and whatnot and now I’m confused.
Allegedly… if you go here, there were these dudes called the Waldos in San Rafael back in the 70s and something about secret weed crops in the San Reyes forest and statues of Louis Pasture and so forth. And the Waldos would meet at like 4:20 at the Louie statue on their high school campus and the cops were trying to find their weed crop and there was a code like, “Let’s meet at 4:20.”
I’m all like… sha? I’ve never heard of these Waldo dudes. High Times did this whole explanation of the Waldos and their chicanery and stuff, but it was a lot to read so I just looked at the picture. I even had a subscription to High Times for a few years. Weird thing is, I never got it. I think I gave my address as “Space, the Final Frontier” when I signed up though.
The Huffington Post clarifies the story a bit more as they actually hunted down these Waldo cats and get some facts and junk on what 4:20 means. But even then, it’s kind of not clear. Probably because I was reading that article out at the garage after making a bong out of my old bike helmet and the arm of a lawn chair.
Photo Source: Daily ContributorAnyways… here’s the story handed down in our family about the true origins of 420 Day or Weedimas.
Calvin Cordozar Broadus, Jr’s forefathers way back in ye olden land of Long Beach were growing delicious vegetables one day when the family goat kicked over a lantern and accidentally set the “strange looking parsley, yo” on fire. As the Broadus family gathered around to put out the fire, they realized that they felt pretty “chill” and a little “dizzle.” Pretty soon the Broadus crew were creating strange noises with their mouths and conjuring up delightful rhymes to capture this new feeling of “William Holden frizzled smokey D’s” experience.
A neighbor, a forefather of Andre Romelle Young, proclaimed, “Yo, mutherf*ckers, that smoke has drifted over here and we be like fucked up.” Calvin went to his neighbor and said, “Sorry bout that, G.” To which Young said, “Nah, blood. That shit smells good. It’s so right that it needs to have its own holiday.”
And on that day of our Snoop on the 20th of April, 420 Day was born.
I’d really hate to believe that story isn’t true. Because then my entire childhood was a lie. But… it happens.