1. Getting “The Munchies“

Desafortunadamente, potheads have had trouble getting marijuana legalized because they’re way too buzzed (y way too into their In-N-Out “animal-style” fries) to pressure congreso to make pot legal.
La única manera to get marijuana finally legalized is for all of us stoners to stop getting high until it gets done!
Smoking pot y engaging in typical behaviors potheads exhibit, como:
– Praising things (or personas) that don’t deserve praise — like announcing that the tap water served at your college’s dining hall is “more delicious than the nectar served at the Hall of Zeus.”
– Wearing a hoodie, chanclas, and a vintage Bob Marley T-shirt.
– Having deep, spiritual revelaciones about the meaning of life, then writing these revelations down in a diario — only to find out later that all your revelaciones sound like they belong to the lyrics of a very disturbing (and kinky) Beatles song.
2. The Republican Primary
Why: After an intensive investigación, El Departamento de Justicia discovered that, between 2007-2008, there was not a single caso of voter fraud. And yet, gente, fourteen states have recently passed leyes that say they “prevent voter fraud” but really just disenfranchise lower income, elderly, and minority voters!
To help prevent other estados from passing these types of oppressive leyes, we need to get the media’s attention!
Pero, the media is so distracted by the Republican debates these days that the only way to get their atención is to boycott the Republican primary.Source: ListVerse.com
Boycott any cobertura of the Republican primaries, or any behavior characteristic of a republican primary como:
– Applauding the execution of personas who, because of our broken justice system, may have been completely inocente.
– Cheering the slow, painful death of personas who can’t afford seguro de health.
– Booing personas who sacrifice their lives on a day-to-day basis to protect you and your familia.
– Upsetting Mormons by calling Mormonism “a cult.”
– Upsetting Scientologists by calling Mormonism “a cult” — effectively downgrading Scientology’s mainstream status from a “cult” to “something like that wacky holiday George Costanza’s dad made up on that episodio of Seinfeld — Festivus for the rest of us!
3. War
Why: Gente, last week marked the 10th aniversario of the war in Afghanistan.
Que lástima. We’ve wasted so much dinero, lives, and time in a widely unpopular war that can’t be won.
It’s time to end la guerra and bring our troops home!
La guerra!
And bring those hot, single Marine men home and put them to work serving us!
Digo, the country.