Peenterest: The Pinterest for Men

After the success of Pinterest, which is — let’s face it — kinda geared toward chicks, more “manly” pinboard sites cropped up, offering guys alternate ways to showcase their interests and likes. Have you heard of the latest, testosterone driven pinning site? It’s called Peenterest and dang is it macho.

Let’s break down the manliness of Peenterest, just so you know how important it is that a non-sissy outlet for man hobbies exists:

[click the images to enlarge!]

The Header

peenterestheader6282012 First off, look at those colors. The beige and red on Pinterest? Are you kidding? Who designed that? Sissy McSissy, mayor of Sissyville? Nah, brah. Everyone knows testosterone only comes in blue and grey.

And then the words. Only people with too much estrogen use words like “add” and “search” and “gifts.” When putting together a man-site, only use man-words.


peenteresttab6282012Basically the formula for making things manly enough for your man-needs is by making “man” a prefix to everything that seems way too girly. And then it’s legit. Otherwise, watch out, man, tomorrow morning you’re gonna wake up with a vagina. Which means you’ll never get a blowjob, ever again. Bro Boards

peenterestboards6282012 Make sure your bro boards don’t have any “cutesy” titles or themes. Only bacon, muscles, and shit reappropriated for macho men by way of violent titles are acceptable.

But what would Chuck Norris, arguably the manliest of all manly men, have to say on the subject? Truth be told, when Chuck Norris looks sexism in the eye, sexism goes and makes him a sandwich.

He knows his manliness is so great, it doesn’t matter if he participates in presumably “girly” sites like Pinterest.

That said, here’s Chuck’s interest site of choice:


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About the author

A native of Jacksonville, Florida, Kristen Bobst grew up a tomboy with two brothers, several unruly pets, and an overactive imagination. After surviving four years of Gossip Girl-style antics at a ritzy private high school, Kristen went on to the University of Florida (Go Gators!). Due to an uncanny Oscar Wilde obsession, she then traveled to Dublin to study Anglo-Irish Literature at Trinity College. While overseas, she spent much time staying in seedy hostels and carousing with the locals. To this day, Kristen cannot convert Fahrenheit to Celsius without the use of a scientific calculator. Kristen recently completed the University of Southern California’s MFA program in Screenwriting. She still has an overactive imagination and several unruly pets. Comediva writer and performer Vickie Toro graduated from USC with degrees in I Don’t Know How to Do Practical Things Like Math and Maybe I Should’ve Listened to My Mother (i.e. Cinema-Television Critical Studies and Narrative Studies). She spends her time thinking about deep things, getting distracted by not-deep things, and then gigglesnorting. Comediva. Where the funny girls are.

View all articles by Kristen Bobst and Vickie Toro

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