Neil Patrick Harris documented his Mexican Margarita Bender on Instagram, so we can all learn how to really bender with style. Just follow these simple steps and you’ll have a magical margarita bender, just like NPH.
1. Start at a Fancy Resort
This is the best place for a bender because it’s pretty, the drinks are probably decent, and people will assume you’re rich, and therefore can do no wrong. You can basically make a drunken ass out of yourself with no repercussions.
2. Match Your Swim Trunks to the Furniture
This has nothing to do with benders, but is something NPH totally nailed, and you should too.
3. Make Friends with the Bartender
NPH appears to be behind the bar in this photo. This means he made a friend: the most important friend you can have on a bender. The bartender will make you better drinks and maybe even throw in some freebies. Let your bartender be your co-pilot.
4. Be Loud and Confident
It is important to start raising your voice when you are midway through your bender. If you don’t, people will forget you exist.
5. Steal a Stranger’s Hat
It’s always good to put on strange hats while bendering. It is not only hilarious, but afterwards, you’ll have something that’s not yours to vomit into.
6. Stretch
Stretching is important, because if you just sit at the bar for 7-9 hours, you will get stiff. You want a stiff drink, not a stiff body.
7. Swim
Swimming is always smart near the end of your bender. See, the booze will make you sweaty and kind of gross-looking. Just hop in the pool and let the magic of chlorine wash that all away.
8. Blackout Before Nightfall
The genius of this is that he will probably be hungover around 1am, but then feel great the next day, and can then go back to drinking. If you get drunk at night, you will waste the whole next day.
9. Salt your Damn Margarita
NPH might have every step of a bender down, but HE DIDN’T PUT SALT ON THE RIM!! Seriously? That is the best part of a margarita! Without the salt, it’s just corn syrup, tequila, and some lime. The salt makes it a drink. I don’t care if you have high blood sugar, heart problems, or care about bloating. You are on a bender. If you are worried about those things, you shouldn’t be on a bender.