For every great battle throughout time immemorial, lightsabers would have made it even more awesome! Don’t believe it? Just check out these incredible stand-offs, and how much cooler they are knowing that someone’s ass is about to get snap-hissed!

I see you’ve constructed a new lightsaber. An elegant weapon for a more civilized age.

What’s your midichlorian count, butt-head?!

I’m gonna mount your bill on my wall, you dethpicable duck!

Emperor Bill: The Force is strong with this one! Darth Newt: I find your lack of faith disturbing…

They don’t know he’s got a thermal detonator under his poncho!

Dinner sucked.

I love having lightsaber battles in rooms packed with schoolchildren!

At last, we will reveal ourselves to Dunder-Mifflin. At last, we will have our revenge!

I’d love to have seen a Lightsaber duel on ‘Firefly’!