Invisible Politics

I would like to issue a huge thank you to Clint Eastwood who last week paid tribute to an under-represented part of our society. Now, many of you know that President Barrack Obama is the first African American president, and even the first president to openly support gay marriage, but until last week, few people knew that President Obama is also the first INVISIBLE president of the United States.

So, now that Eastwood has swung the door of invisible representation wide open, I thought I’d highlight my top ten favorite invisible people throughout history… whose work until now, has remained largely, well, invisible.

10. The pilot of the Mars Rover. 

InvisibleMars904Do you honestly think that thing can drive itself? This poor dude is the first human on Mars, and he didn’t even get as much attention as the tech support guy with a Mohawk.

9. The smart Kardashian sister. 
No one can see her, but Kelen is also the only Kardashian with a soul.

8. The Invisible Person who trips you when you are trying to look cool. 

InvisibleFoot9044No, you really AREN’T clumsy. Invisible people just love tripping you… and they also love stealing socks.

7. The Invisible Giant who props up the leaning tower of Pisa

And here you probably thought it was just leaning on its own.

6. The guy whose back Lebron James jumps on to help him make a slamdunk

You’ve never seen him, but the best player on Miami’s team is Richie “the Step Ladder” Roberts.

5. The Invisible Man.


You know, from the H. G. Wells novel. I think? Don’t judge me, you didn’t read it either.

4. Harry Potter

He’s not actually invisible, but his cloak did bring the topic of invisibility to the forefront of an entire generation of kids wanting to sneak around their schools.

3. The people who keep Two and a Half Men as one of the top comedy shows on TV. 

Think about it, no one you know would ever watch that crap and yet it’s been on for a decade. That’s a LOT of invisible fans.

2. The invisible assassin who killed Hitler. 
InvisibleHitlerPeople think it was a suicide, but that’s just because no one could see the real shooter. Dude is a mega hero.

1. Women.

Oh, wait, women are only invisible to the Republican party… whoops.

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About the author

Amanda Deibert is a writer and actress/filmmaker type in LA.  She currently works for HULU’s morning pop culture show, The Morning After, which you can giggle at on  You can check out the rest of her hijinks in writing and filmmaking at  She lives with her beautiful girlfriend and 100,000 cats.

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