Boy Meets World
Phyllis Diller played Madame Ouspenskaya on Boy Meets World. Remember that crazy fortune teller that worked in the back of Frank’s House of Yogurt? She totally convinced Cory that he was turning into a werewolf. This was before the days of Taylor Lautner — the woman was completely ahead of her time.
She was Anthony’s angry EMT partner, Mrs. Peterson, on Blossom! You remember — the quack they tried to set up with Buzz? That was back when people smoked cigarettes on network TV. Unfortunately Paula Abdul was wrong because those opposites did NOT attract. Mrs. Peterson was out of the picture after four episodes.
A Bug’s Life
Remember that adorable movie about insects? That’s right, Phyllis Diller played the wise old Queen in A Bug’s Life. Oh, you didn’t see that movie because you think anything that is animated is meant for children under the age of 11? Here’s a tip, go chug two glasses of water and grow a soul. A Bug’s Life was awesome and Queen was sassier than your underutilized alter-ego will ever be.
King of the Hill
Despite your claims at last Thursday’s game night, we know you spend most of your weekends re-watching King of the Hill episodes by downloading them from illegal torrent sites. That’s why you’ll remember Phyllis Diller’s performance as Lillian (Tilly’s friend) in episode 52: “Escape from Party Island.” Nothing like four old broads hitting up MTV’s spring break!
Hey Arnold!

One of my favorite characters that Phyllis Diller has played is Mitzi from Hey Arnold! Mitzi was Grandpa’s fraternal twin sister who was obviously the smarter sibling as she was six minutes older than Phil. Not only was this character hilarious, but she also got to wear a dog that was shaped like a scarf around her neck. It’s like, ‘No Britney, it’s actually Phyllis, Bitch.”