Human Got Your Tongue!
Slang: Nip

Example: “Me and Fluffy are gonna hit the nip, you in?”
Slang: Hello Kitty
Meaning: Über adorable and cute, much like the beloved Japanese icon and role model.
Example: “Gah, you are totes Hello Kitty.”
Slang: Dig in the Litter
Meaning: Two cats getting down and dirty. Particularly used in bad pick-up lines by alley cats.
Example: “Baby, I’d love to dig in the litter with you.”
Slang: Cheshire
Meaning: To taunt others by being annoyingly vague or mysterious.
Example: “Josh is going to ask me to prom? Are you cheshiring me?”
Slang: Pull a Snowball
Meaning: A reference to the numerous deaths cats named Snowball endure on The Simpsons. Proof of survival of the fittest.
Example: “Did you hear about the burglar that died in the fireplace? Way to pull a Snowball.”
Slang: Human Got Your Tongue
Meaning: You’ve lost the ability to communicate coherently.
Example: “Speak up, what’s wrong with you? Human got your tongue?”
Slang: Garfield
Meaning: An attention whore.
Example: “I hate when Fifi interrupts me. She’s such a Garfield.”
Slang: Tuna Tom
Meaning: Someone rich who can provide for you, similar to a human sugar daddy.
Example: “I love Fancy Feast, but I’d need to find me a Tuna Tom to afford it.”