Welcome to our weekly Giggle Goddess question and answer session with a comediva out in the world spreading giggles like wildfire. The creator and star of the web series “Screwed“, Comedva sits down and chats with our hilarious Giggle Goddess of the week — Stefanie Sparks.
This Q & A will take you deep within the depths of her soul … sorta.
Follow Stefanie’s character, Lydia Lawrence, on Twitter! Watch Stefanie in “Screwed” at www.bushwickballet.com!
Photo by: Bridget BurnsWhat’s your favorite cupcake flavor?
Red Velvet.
What or whom inspired you to pursue a career in comedy?
Lena Dunham’s “Delusional Downtown Divas” and the Maria Bamford show.
If Chuck Norris were to corner you in an alley and challenge you to a duel, what would be your weapon of choice?
A taser.
What are some challenges you’ve faced since going down the comedy track? What are some things that have made all of those obstacles worth overcoming?
Finding devoted, talented actors (willing to work for no money on my no-name project) that are good at improvising is a challenge. When you do find them, it’s magic.
What’s the funniest thing you’ve ever heard/seen?
Ricky Gervais in Season 1 of “The Office” and internet dating in New York City.
Which comedienne, dead or alive, would you love to work with/meet?
Cleo King, Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Lucille Ball, Niecy Nash
In what ways do you think you’ve improved or evolved since your first comedy venture?
Pacing. I think I’ve gotten better about getting more laughs into the piece at a quicker pace.
What long-term/short-term goals do you have for your career?
To write-direct my first feature/to shoot a second season of “Screwed” and get more folks to watch it.
Which character are you most like from “The Divas”?
Lucille Ballbuster with a bit of Shirley Wench.
Photo by: Tyler DerwinDo you have a specific audience to whom you play/would like to play? Describe that audience, and why/how you’re playing to them.
I don’t like the idea of women/girls having to be perfect to be successful or attractive. I am creating content for girls like me who have made HUGE mistakes, learned from them and bounced back (or simply refused to admit them, as is the case with “Lydia Lawrence”). I try to play to that audience by finding circumstances or situations that we can all relate to, and then exaggerating them to the point of ridiculousness.
When you’re not out writing/performing comedy, you are… ?
I always loved your sense of humor Stef. Some, well ok, a lot of my most favorite memories are of crazy things we did and the stupid videos we made! I always knew you’d end up doing something like this and I am SO MOTHERFUCKIN PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!!! XOXO