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What’s your favorite cupcake flavor?
Moist chocolate cake (even though we hate the word “moist”) filled with peanut butter mousse and topped with buttercream frosting. And a Reese’s on top. And maybe an Oreo too. That sounds about perfect. But there’s probably one ingredient that we’re missing.
Who or what inspired you to pursue a career in comedy?
Keyboard Cat.
If Chuck Norris were to corner you in an alley and challenge you to a duel, what would be your weapon of choice? What would be Michael Bay’s weapon of choice?Our pussy. Rex.
What’s the funniest thing you’ve ever heard/seen?
Babies on a leash has got to be top 5. However, there is a very
fine line between funny and disturbing.
Which comedian, dead or alive, would you love to work with?
MANY. Women who paved/are paving their own road in comedy like
Lucille Ball, Sandra Bullock, Tina Fey, and Kristen Wiig would be amazing to work with (or just go to the bar with.)
In what ways do you think you have improved since your first comedy venture?
We’ve come a long way since our first video together–strumming “California Girls” in front of a webcam. It’s exciting to see people respond positively to our writing and our humor, and it’s also really awesome to see the production value go up with each video.
What long-term/short-term goals do you have for your career?
Short Term: More vids! Long Term: Give the whole world the MadMoni dose they deserve (And record deal. And a movie. And an SNL Performance. And a tour. And a restaurant? Maybe?)Specific audience?
We wa nt our material to appeal to a wide age range. A lot of our humor is wide-eyed and innocent, with an underlying edginess.
Eating. And when we’re not performing, writing, or eating… we’re trying to find time to do all of that. We both are playing the role of “starving artist” (Well, I guess starving isn’t really the right word) at this stage in our lives, so our busy schedules are sometimes hard to coordinate, but we make it a priority because we’re passionate about it.
Difference between appealing to men vs. women?
By the looks of some of our YouTube comments, the boys want us to take our shirts off. Sorry, fellas.
What’s your favorite comedy movie or TV show of all time?
We both suck at this question. There are so many. We’ll say this – our first 6 months as being roommates, “I Love You Man” lived in our dvd player. We realize that is an awful answer.
The title of your autobiography?
MadMoni: Extremely Loud, and Incredibly Close
And an excerpt from that biography:
We are MadMoni. We think we’re hilarious. (hahahahahahaha)