Go ahead and take one from these 12 funny tear-off signs, but be forewarned, there may be tearable puns ahead.
You can’t un-see this dog.

This really comes in handy to those who feel left out in Movember.

Wait, this isn’t a password security question, is it?

Waldo could only hide for so long…

There’s nothing quite like Ron Swanson advice. Or recipes.

See? Warned ya about those tearable puns.

Live like Mario. Never go anywhere without shrooms.

Pop quiz: which gets you to class the fastest? The Delorean, the TARDIS, or the Time-Turner?

I know, right??!

Carnivores don’t have meetings, they have MEATings. Badum-chhhh.

Lionel Richie has an endless love for tear-off signs.

Hope the next street pole over has the tear-off ranch dipping sauce.

Love these funny tear-off signs? Then maybe you also enjoy beard art? Who knows!