K is for KANGAROOS because they are the only animal that have bigger feet than I do. Plus, they are constantly flipping us off but no one ever gets mad at them.
A is for AWESOMENESS because much like Barney Stinson, i’m all about appreciating one’s own awesomeness. Be it real or imaginary.

R is for Recalcitrant — refusing to obey authority. Yeah, I could have just said R is for Rebel, but I was being fancy.
M is for Mother Nature because she’s badass and she didn’t worry about selling-out by doing those margarine commercials in the ’70s.
[sz-youtube url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLrTPrp-fW8″ /]
A is for Adam Ant. Because no one ever mentions him anymore and Goody Two Shoes is damn catchy.
[sz-youtube url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-NBZ_pKNOc” /]
Don’t forget to check out episode 6 of Karma’s a Bitch!
[sz-youtube url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOhTkJMOr9A” /]