Mira, I’m all for stopping terrorists, but The Patriot Act is clearly a violation of our privacy rights, gente! We need to let congreso know that we want them to stop eavesdropping on our sexting sessions with our long-distance Chilean boyfriends by boycotting all mass communication!
– Texting or talking on the phone– The Internet– Sending letters or packages through the postal service– Telegrams– Morse code– Sending messages via homing pigeon – Using two cans and a string – Speaking with your tias [aunts]. (Your tias have been violating your privacy rights for years by spreading chisme about you –somone’s gotta stand up to them.)
2. Millionaires
Why: According to The Wall Street Journal, millionaires — who represent .09 percent of the world population — now control 39 percent of the world’s wealth.
Hijos de la chingada!
No wonder the gap between rich and poor is so wide! No wonder I can never afford a pinche golden toilet! (I just want my nalgas to get the same treatment the Queen of England does, is that so wrong?)
The crazy shit that only millionaires do, like:
– Being the CEO of the most popular social network and slicing the throat of every goat you eat.
– Having a talk show named after you, then starting a magazine named after you, too — and having a picture of you on the cover of every single new edition. Then, walking away from your talk show after 25 years, only to buy your own network — and then naming that network after you, too. Then, having a show on your new network about the show you used to have on your old network except this new show goes “behind the scenes” of your old show — and then naming this second show after you, too.
– Wearing a costume, fighting crime at night, and calling yourself “The Batman.”
– Diving into a large, Olympic-style pool of gold coins.
3. Humanity
Why: According to Time Magazine, Humans rank No. 2 on the list of The Top 10 Evil Animals of all time. The magazine cites war crimes, genocide, and concentration camps as evidence proving that human beings are evil.
I wasn’t convinced of Humanity’s evilness until I heard someone died from that “planking” internet craze.
Wow, humanidad, your shocking estupidezes are taking people’s lives. This has forced me to put you on my own “most” evil list.
– The park, your local Starbucks, work, the gym — anywhere you might encounter humans.
– If you must be in contact with another human make sure to quickly punch him or her in the face and shout: “That’s for inventing genocide, cabron!“
Then run away.