Hello, friends! As you probably noticed from my last Pick, Skittles and me have love on the mind. Because of a prolonged silence from He-Who-Will-No-Longer-Be-Named, I’ve started to look into other options for finding me and Skittles’s one true love. Before I saw this week’s pick, I was so very hesitant about online dating — mostly because Shirley suggested it. But! The lovers in it filled my heart with hope, and I’ve already signed up for my own eHarmony account! (Oddly enough, I had trouble finding eBliss, but I suspect that might have something to do with the filters my Yamama installed for me). Two people, so different, are bound together by the blindest angel of all — true love! How sweet their lumberjacking and sentence-finishing are!
I know now what I’m looking for in a [human] mate, and I finally have the courage and online dating profile to find it! Thank you, Gregory and Mattie! I will love again!