Oh, to be Doctor Who, the quick-witted, beloved-by-all alien who travels around the universe in a super sexy, blue time machine.
What’s more, the Doctor is seldom alone on his adventures! His latest companion, Amy Pond, is arguably the most enchanting of the re-launched show’s companions, but, alas, her time on the TARDIS is coming to an end very, very soon.

Here are the top ten lesbian actresses who could bring some Sapphic spice to the Whovian universe!
Jane Lynch

Can you imagine Sue Sylvester’s alter ego on the TARDIS, travelling though the time-space continuum? She could easily EXTERMINATE some Daleks with her snarky wit.
Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie might be the hottest bisexual actress this side of Raxacoricofallapatorius. Her presence on the TARDIS would certainly make all CatKind purr.
Sara Gilbert

Sara Gilbert pulled off a pretty convincing nerd on The Big Bang Theory. Her reputation with geekdom, combined with her no-nonsense attitude, could provide for some lively antics on Doctor Who.
Portia de Rossi

For a sexier companion, the Eleventh Doctor could choose the very tantalizing Portia de Rossi. Would River Song be jealous?
Lindsay Lohan & Samantha Ronson

The Doctor enjoys the company of couples, e.g. Rory and Amy. LiLo and SamRo could be the next interstellar duo! We know their love can never die! Just think what a time machine could do for Lindsay’s career.
Anna Paquin

Anna Paquin is another toothsome choice. This ravishing bisexual babe could short-circuit a troop of Cybermen with one sultry glance and slay some Sycorax with nothing more than a wink. Hubby Stephen Moyer could cameo; perhaps we haven’t seen the last of the Vampires of Venice?
Jodie Foster

If Jodie Foster can catch Hannibal Lecter, she’d be a force to be reckoned with on the TARDIS. Who could be handier to have around in case Prisoner Zero escapes again?
Ellen DeGeneres

Adding Ellen to the TARDIS-Matt Smith-mix might be charisma overload. However, Ellen could out-boogie The Master, in case he resurfaces in a peppy dance number episode.
Cynthia Nixon

The Doctor could benefit from sipping on cosmos with spicy redhead Cynthia Nixon after subjugating some Slitheen. After all, Doctor Who knows all the hot space-gossip.
Tila Tequila

The Doctor could stand to do a little more carousing on the next season of Doctor Who. Just add this bisexual pixie to the mix and the universe becomes one big party.
With any of these lesbian thespians by the Eleventh Doctor’s side, this new season of Doctor Who will surely be out of this world.
What’s more, the Doctor is seldom alone on his adventures! His latest companion, Amy Pond, is arguably the most enchanting of the re-launched show’s companions, but, alas, her time on the TARDIS is coming to an end very, very soon.
In case Jenna-Louise Coleman’s character isn’t gay, maybe Doctor Who could pick up one of these ladies for a spin around time and space?

Here are the top ten lesbian actresses who could bring some Sapphic spice to the Whovian universe!
Jane Lynch

Can you imagine Sue Sylvester’s alter ego on the TARDIS, travelling though the time-space continuum? She could easily EXTERMINATE some Daleks with her snarky wit.
Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie might be the hottest bisexual actress this side of Raxacoricofallapatorius. Her presence on the TARDIS would certainly make all CatKind purr.
Sara Gilbert

Sara Gilbert pulled off a pretty convincing nerd on The Big Bang Theory. Her reputation with geekdom, combined with her no-nonsense attitude, could provide for some lively antics on Doctor Who.
Portia de Rossi

For a sexier companion, the Eleventh Doctor could choose the very tantalizing Portia de Rossi. Would River Song be jealous?
Lindsay Lohan & Samantha Ronson

The Doctor enjoys the company of couples, e.g. Rory and Amy. LiLo and SamRo could be the next interstellar duo! We know their love can never die! Just think what a time machine could do for Lindsay’s career.
Anna Paquin

Anna Paquin is another toothsome choice. This ravishing bisexual babe could short-circuit a troop of Cybermen with one sultry glance and slay some Sycorax with nothing more than a wink. Hubby Stephen Moyer could cameo; perhaps we haven’t seen the last of the Vampires of Venice?
Jodie Foster

If Jodie Foster can catch Hannibal Lecter, she’d be a force to be reckoned with on the TARDIS. Who could be handier to have around in case Prisoner Zero escapes again?
Ellen DeGeneres

Adding Ellen to the TARDIS-Matt Smith-mix might be charisma overload. However, Ellen could out-boogie The Master, in case he resurfaces in a peppy dance number episode.
Cynthia Nixon

The Doctor could benefit from sipping on cosmos with spicy redhead Cynthia Nixon after subjugating some Slitheen. After all, Doctor Who knows all the hot space-gossip.
Tila Tequila

The Doctor could stand to do a little more carousing on the next season of Doctor Who. Just add this bisexual pixie to the mix and the universe becomes one big party.
With any of these lesbian thespians by the Eleventh Doctor’s side, this new season of Doctor Who will surely be out of this world.
The timing is perfect for it (except for the fact that it’s probably already been cast by now), since it would play well with the Doctor’s sexual tension being diverted with River at the moment, and it gives some very good awkward excuse lines that suit Matt Smith’s portrayal well. The list needs to be pared down to people with a strong British accent though, as Doctor Who has demonstrated it’s ready for LBGT, but not for another American companion just yet. While I loved the Canton Delaware character, he wasn’t companion material, and The Impossible Astronaut did a lot to set back the likelihood of another American staying with the series anytime soon.
As a rule, I don’t pay attention to the real life of actors (I’d be lucky to get an autograph, I’m never going to date them.) and on top of that I’m an American, so I can’t really list any British candidates for the role, but there are undoubtedly plenty available and the chance to be the first such companion would be hard to pass up.
It should remain mostly implied “relations” rather than explicit, as with the Doctor and River or Amy and Rory. I’d honestly like to see a more tame version of Jack Harkness in the role, to keep enough Whovian decorum that the character lasts without being relegated to a spinoff series, but having the energy and intrigue to keep up with Smith and possibly his successor.
And it brings interesting possibilities if they finally have a female incarnation of the Doctor. Though we don’t know enough about River just yet, she might encounter the Doctor after such a regeneration and not be the least bit deterred.