Comediva of the Week: Felicia Day

What makes Felicia even cooler is that she’s not just a hot video game geek, she’s also trained as an operatic singer, ballet dancer and violinist.  She double majored in mathematics and music performance at University of Texas at Austin, where she started as a freshman at age 16. 

Okay, okay, Felicia.  We get it.  You’re a teensy bit bright. 

Felicia uses that big brain in the service of the funny.  She’s absolutely brilliant in Dr. Horrible, but it’s her work in The Guild that truly highlights exactly how badass-funny this Geek Goddess is.  You know that old cliché of comedy, “It’s funny because it’s true“?  That is Felicia, in a nutshell.  She created her own internet meme in The Guild by being so spot-on to the real lives of gamers … and thus somehow spot-on to the real lives of people of passion and determination of all stripes.  Felicia and her Guild cohorts are sympathetic and lovable because their characters feel so real.  And it’s that realness that makes them impossible not to love. 

felicia-day-photosTapping into that feeling that she’s writing about/playing someone every one of her viewers, geek or not, know and love, is a gift that few are as naturally blessed with as Felicia.  Perhaps she finds that sense of truth because she approaches her comedy with the same passion that defines real geekdom.  To be a geek is to be passionate about what one loves without any regard to how society will judge you for it.  It’s that passionate abandon to the things she loves that lets Felicia tap the rich vein of geek comedy she’s found. 

That love seems likely to be a secret sauce that’s allowed Felicia to go from a ballet dancing, opera singing, violin playing math major, who also loved online role playing games, to cult favorite television and internet star by making the equivalent of really great fan-fic.  To pull off a feat like that, you have to love who you are, and pursue the things you love to do with passion.  And you have to not give a crap what anyone else thinks. 

That, comedivas, is what we learn from Ms. Felicia Day today.  Embracing your inner geek with abandon.  Fly your geek flag high and the right people, the people who are just as passionate about whatever geeks you out, will love you for it.  As for everyone else?  Who flippin’ cares? 

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