Top 5 Bromances of All Time

Hey Gentlebros,

As immortalized in Guy Time, the bromance is a special relationship, a friendly, totally-not-gay man-on-man love that any dude would feel lucky to have.  He could be your best bud who you’ve known since you played Ninja Turtles together, or your frat brother who’s there for you when you need a spot on your bench press or a slap on the shoulder.  The two of you are like manly peas in a pod, and it’s a beautiful thing.

Much like their romantic counterpart, bromances have their very own “’it-couples” too.  (Superstar bros — they’re just like us!)  Here are the top five bromances of all time!

1. Matt Damon and Ben Affleck:


Obvious right?  These two buddies grew up together in Cambridge MA, and took their bromance from the humble streets of Boston to the glitzy glamour of Hollywood with their co-written script, Good Will Hunting.  They both are now super A List, but never lost sight of their roots, doing crap with Boston accents all the time, and still hanging out.

2. Lance Armstrong and Matthew McConaughey:


This athletic/douchebaggy bromance is a bit of an enigma, but seems to make sense, somehow.  These dudes have been buddies for years, and became even more friendly when they both wound up single, so much so that they felt the need to tell People Magazine, “We’re not gay.”

They are bromance exemplified:  partying together, doing manly shirtless sporting together, and taking what Lance called “guy trips” together … and when you go all-in to your manlove correctly, rumors are gonna fly.

3. Brad Pitt and George Clooney:


Perhaps the most attractive of the male friendship duos, Brad and George have been buds for years, starring in the bro-friendly Ocean’s Eleven (and so on) films, which make all of us feel like we’re cool enough to hang out with them.  They’re also both very socially conscious and do stuff where they help the less fortunate and whatnot.  The more Q.T. these fellas spend bonding, the better for the rest of us — were they left to roam free, there’d be not a drop of pussy left on the planet.

4. Tom Hanks and Ron Howard:


This powerful duo’s been palling around Hollywood for upwards of 20 years.  They collaborate on all sorts of projects (most recently Angels and Demons) and are a good example of the older gentleman’s bromance enduring the tests of time.  (Both have families of their own and still get to hang.  Bros before hoes!  If you can call the mother of your children a ho.  Probably ill-advised.)

5. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams:


(Hey, they don’t ALL have to be Hollywood, right?)  These founding fathers were one of our nation’s first bromances.  T.J. was so into Adams, he even wrote to James Madison about how kick-ass Adams is: “I pronounce you will love him if you ever become acquainted with him,” and Adams said, in writing Jefferson, “Intimate correspondence with you … is one of the most agreeable events in my life.”  To the modern bro, that sounds a little frou frou, but they make up for the fancy business by kicking some British ass and FOUNDING AMERICA!  (Fuck yeah!)  As is almost inevitable with a good bromance, theirs was not without its tension (in their case, political rivalry), but in their old age they’d reconcile, and friendship won out in the end.

Clearly, there are many more bromances where that came from…

What’s YOUR favorite bromance?

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  1. Matt Damons Girl

    Total fan of the Affleck/Damon bromance, mainly because I loooved Good Will Hunting!

  2. Chuckie

    Hey, what about Vince Vaughn and Jon Favreau! They’re the Jedi mind-shit of bromances!

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