2. Life in the Ocean – University of Southern California
Although this course is offered at one of the most “prestigious” institutions in the United States, this college course is pointless, as I know of no one packing up their bags and moving to the ocean floor. Life in the Ocean is a great liberal arts elective for athletes, foreign students, and children of super famous celebrities (as little academic work is required to actually complete the course).
3. Wine Tasting – Cornell University
This course is great … for getting drunk. I have to admit, I would have expected something less obvious from this underdog Ivy (Yes we know, we know, Cornell has the best hotel management program in the country and that’s great because I know a ton of people who when they were five years old said, “I want to be a hotel manager when I grow up.”
4. The Phallus – Occidental College
This famous course is pretty self-explanatory because it explores the phallus – there’s a smart word for “dick” if I ever heard one! Occidental College offers this course in its Women’s Studies program. Hmmmm, maybe they should offer a course in Irony – that would be so meta.
5. Star Trek – Georgetown University
For all you geeks that were picked on in high school, go to Georgetown! Here they teach a course where you can socialize and learn alongside your own kind – it’s called Star Trek. You won’t find any daft or vapid fratboys taking this course, just your average Spock-loving Trekkies debating the biological relevance of Tribbles.
6. Learning from Youtube – Pitzer College
Learning from Youtube allows students to actually watch Youtube videos and discuss them. For those of you who were unaware, you can also do this on your own. I did it last Tuesday before I got fired from my day job and it was pretty easy.
Dang, I knew I should have taken that “What is Math” class!7. The Art of Walking – Centre College
This unique course was developed by a professor in order to put Centre College on the map; how else was Kentucky gonna get any kind of press for that institution? The Art of Walking examines this lost form of transportation. (The course requires a lot of walking for homework.)
8. Whiteness: The Other side of Racism – Mount Holyoke
Because everyone needs to be able to put themselves in the shoes of a white man.
9. Maple Syrup – Alfred University
Alfred University gives an excellent educational experience to those liberal art students who are looking to make maple syrup, because that’s why a lot of us invested 200 grand in our education – so that we could learn to make syrup.
10. Far Side Entomology – Oregon State University
Learning about insects can be boring, but not when the professor uses Far Side comic strips the whole semester. This course explains a lot about Oregon.