When did you know you wanted to be a director?
There were a series of events from my childhood that led me to realize my passion for filmmaking, starting with the strength of my grandmother’s storytelling and my high school experience as a suburban teenager in a Riot Grrrl

When did you know you were in love with cupcakes?
I grew up with an intense sweet tooth, daydreaming about living in Candyland. I’m not sure when I fell in love with cupcakes, but my love of cupcakes was immortalized on film in Dear Lemon Lima.
Why direct comedy? How is it different from directing other genres of film?
I think comedy is more challenging and fun to direct because you’re bringing happiness and joy into the world. It’s truly magical to be in a dark theater full of strangers laughing together.
If Chuck Norris were to corner you in an alley and challenge you to a duel, what would be your weapon of choice?
Rainbow Brite’s color belt.
Do you have a comedy director you look up to? Why?
Amy Heckerling’s work is the perfect balance of attitude, sex, drugs, rock n’ roll, fashion and slang.
What’s the no. 1 lesson you’ve learned so far about directing?
Listen to what everyone says, but always follow your instincts. Great movies stem from a single vision.
As a woman, do you note any differences in how you work with your cast and crew versus how a male director does?
I’m not sure why this question got me thinking about He-Man and She-Ra, but they both kick ass, just one does it in a prettier way. I never thought I’d quote He-Man in my lifetime, but this quote seems to sum up my thoughts. “A sword or any other symbol doesn’t make a person a good leader. What does is intelligence, respect for others, and an unselfish desire to do good.”

Just one?! There are just so many hilarious actresses who I would love to work with… Jessica Walters, Anna Faris, Kat Dennings, Mila Kunis, Emma Stone, Tina Fey, Aubrey Plaza…the list goes on and on…
Which character do you most resemble from The Divas?
Frida because I’m ethnic and love politics; Betty for her taste (and I’m a control freak); Lucille for her cutesiness; Shirley when I drink whiskey.
When you’re not directing comedy, you’re… ?
Writing, tagging photos on weheartit.com, googling love spells or glitterbeading.
What’s your favorite comedy movie or T.V. show of all time?
Movie <3 Overboard; TV <3 Arrested Development.
Title of your autobiography?
Five-Alarm Fire
And now a taste of what that autobiography would be like:
Suzi Yoonessi is an Iranian-American filmmaker living in Los Angeles, CA, who loves jelly pens, gummy bears and Jem. She wrote and directed the cutesy award-winning feature film Dear Lemon Lima, which is distributed by Phase 4, and The Spring of Sorrow for the Independent Television Service (ITVS) online FutureStates series. Yoonessi’s short films No Shoulder and Dear Lemon Lima are distributed by Shorts International and Vanguard Cinema, and her documentary film Vern is distributed by National Film Network. Vern also resides in the permanent collection of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. Yoonessi most recently directed the viral video Olive and Mocha: Fast Times at Sugar High, which is a short of her upcoming feature film Olive and Mocha.
[sz-youtube url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U73weVhBSRk” /]