Bonjour, Girl!

It has come to my attention that many ladies in the office think I lack a certain sense of carefree and humorous lifestyle.  I’m sure you’re all just as shocked as I was to hear this news.  I can’t go on enough about how easy-going I am (some days I don’t even iron a pleat in my work pants!).  But, just to prove to my co-workers, and a few of you ignorant readers, I’ve picked a video this week that I think accurately depicts my “chill” sense of humor.

As a young girl, I was enchanted by the Disney Princesses.  Their power, their grace, their unwillingness to back down in times of trial.  I loved them all (except for Snow White who was a PATHETIC excuse for a princess and deserved EVERY LITTLE PIECE OF THAT NON-ORGANIC POISONOUS APPLE!).  So you can imagine my glee when I stumbled upon this little gem honoring one of my favorite childhood role models.

And isn’t it great?  Pure comedy!  It doesn’t offend me at all that Belle’s beautiful voice is dubbed over by an off-pitch wanna-be in his basement!  It doesn’t offend me that every character was changed to have a lisp! It doesn’t even offend me that the video has gotten more than a million views!  I think it is truly hilarious and fine piece of comedic entertainment.


WHY would they do this?  WHY would someone alter PERFECTION?!  It isn’t even funny!!  They are RUINING a piece of animated film CLASSICS!  I DO NOT get this humor.  IT ISN’T EVEN HUMOR!  If you must be “laid-back” with a quirky sense of humor to find the comedy in this, then frankly I have neither.  So there, Shirley, okay?!  I’m NOT laid-back and I’m PROUD to say it!  Ignorant cows.

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About the author

Betty has a thing for dark comedy and quirky, irreverent intellectual humor.  Are you a Betty?

View all articles by Betty Krueger

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