Author Archives: Luis Silva

Full Name: Luis Silva Website:
Luis Silva is a start-up stand-up, writer, and short filmmaker who spends roughly 90 percent of each day thinking about Batman and Doctor Who.  His favorite pastimes are reading, watching too much TV, and making up fake names that sound just shy of real.  He lived in New York for a little while, where he worked at a bookstore and once played a hipster on basic cable.  His costume was, sadly, self-provided.
Luis Silva is a start-up stand-up, writer, and short filmmaker who spends roughly 90 percent of each day thinking about Batman and Doctor Who.  His favorite pastimes are reading, watching too much TV, and making up fake names that sound just shy of real.  He lived in New York for a little while, where he worked at a bookstore and once played a hipster on basic cable.  His costume was, sadly, self-provided.