Ain't no party like a Bob's Burgers party cuz a Bob's Burger's party has BURGERS.
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From people who don't give a crap about fashion.
Ever wonder what characters in Firefly would search for if they had access to Google? Firefly Search History FTW!
Ready to throw a My Little Pony Party that's 20% cooler than anything else? Just follow this awesome guide, and make Pinkie Pie proud!
Take a break from all your revenge fantasies and check out the hilarious search histories from your favorite characters of the hit show ...
Needless to say, not every Goosebumps concept made the cut.
There are a lot of funny naked moments in movies. The bare human body is just a goldmine of hilarity. Here are some of the most memorable.
Neil Patrick Harris documented his Mexican Margarita Bender on Instagram, so we can all learn how to really bender with style.