Author Archives: Don't Shoot the Mermaid

Full Name: Don 't Shoot the Mermaid Website:

Don't Shoot the Mermaid is a sketch trio who write, perform, produce and edit sketches for film. These slippery, scaly creatures of the deep dive into the everyday grotesque, writhe around in others' misfortune, and are in the habit of kissing the old frog.

Don't Shoot The Mermaid are Emma Rasmussen, Heather Darcy and Natasha Velyn Goldup.

Don't Shoot the Mermaid is a sketch trio who write, perform, produce and edit sketches for film. These slippery, scaly creatures of the deep dive into the everyday grotesque, writhe around in others' misfortune, and are in the habit of kissing the old frog.

Don't Shoot The Mermaid are Emma Rasmussen, Heather Darcy and Natasha Velyn Goldup.
