To determine the retro candies with the best shtick, one must employ intellectual resources based in set theory, statistics, and a little bit of “pure imagination.”

One can plainly see, based on this super sweet Venn diagram, the top five gimmick candies of the ’80s and ’90s. These winners who will forever go down in history as irresistibly packaged, delicious, and fun to eat: Lik-M-Aid Fun Dip, Pixy Stix, Push Pops, Ring Pops, and Nerds.

One can plainly see, based on this super sweet Venn diagram, the top five gimmick candies of the ’80s and ’90s. These winners who will forever go down in history as irresistibly packaged, delicious, and fun to eat: Lik-M-Aid Fun Dip, Pixy Stix, Push Pops, Ring Pops, and Nerds.
Which candy was your favorite growing up?
Thanks for the read, Christopher! Galaga + Pop Rocks 4eva!
Awesome analysis Kristen! If you could include quantum theory in your next diagram, that would be wicked cool. Pop Rocks were my personal favorite while I played Galaga and Centipede at the arcade. Christopher Pratt,
That’s a Blow Pop!
Who remembers the Blow Pop commercial that was “made” by children? (whispered) “say from Charms!” “What?” “cut, cut” Heh.