Lucille’s Kitty Korner: Cinco de Mayo!

Skittles, in fact, very much enjoys many elements of Mexican culture.  He likes to curl up in a novelty sombrero I got at the dollar store, he very much enjoys the cartoon “Speedy Gonzales,” and whenever I get a side of refried beans from my local Mexican eatery, he loves to lick the bowl.  And today, in honor of our neighbors to the south, Skittles and I are going to teach you how to celebrate the Cinco de Mayo the gatto way!  (Gatto means cat!)


Did you know that the Cinco de Mayo is not Mexican Independence Day, but a celebration of Mexico’s defeat of France?  Defying the odds, the Mexican underdogs defeated the French invaders, who, at the order of Napoleon III (or as Yamama calls him, “fake Napoleon”) were trying to overtake the country.

Skittles and I enjoy recreating this historical moment in a little game.  As he’s smaller, Skittles plays Mexico, and I play France, wearing a beret and challenging him with the French I learned in high school:  “En guarde, le Mexique!  Je vous provoque en duel!”  We use a wand with a feather at the end, which I wave defiantly, and then he bats it until I fall to the ground and wave the white handkerchief of surrender!

We also enjoy the traditional Mexican piñata, which, given that Skittles does not have opposable thumbs, I hit with a bat until it breaks apart.   The inside is filled with cat treats, and Skittles goes nuts over it!  But, no catnip.  We have heard of the drug wars in Mexico and do not condone the use of these illegal substances.


Now, you must be very careful when deciding what tasty treat to create for your kitty on the Cinco De Mayo because a couple of very popular items of Mexican cuisine, while harmless to humans, can be toxic to kitties!  (No, Frida.  That is not a “value judgment.”)  For one, we all know chocolate’s a kitty no-no, so Mole sauce is outski, but did you know that avocado contains a chemical called persin that can cause major health problems for your feline?  Scary!  Many a times Skittles has taken a dive for my guacamole bowl, and now I know that it was not a mischievous snack attack but a cry for help.  He is currently in cat therapy and learning to tackle his emotional blocks in a more constructive way.

For a feast that is cat safe, I suggest going the good old taco route:  a little bit of ground beef will have your kitten smiling, and if you’re especially nice, you can make fish tacos!  Of course, you can eat them with the tortillas while your kitty has them “naked,” as the folks at the taco stand term it (I don’t know why they don’t just say “without tortilla,” it seems somewhat indecent otherwise.)

For a treat, you can also let your cat eat some beans with melted cheese or lick a little sour cream off your finger, but don’t let them go too dairy-crazy, unless you want to invite gastrointestinal disaster.  Although from what I’ve heard of real Mexican cuisine, that would make it an authentic recreation of Moctezuma’s revenge!  Oh, Frida will probably not like that.  It was a joke, Frida!

Whatever you decide, Skittles and I wish you a very joyous fiesta this May 5.


Lucille and Skittles

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Lucille adores slapstick, vaudeville, and zany physical humor ... and cute, cuddly cat videos.  Are you a Lucille?

View all articles by Lucille Ballbuster

1 comment

  1. Pussycat

    Thanks for the heads up about avocado, Lucille! I had no idea it could be so harmful to my pussycat. I’ll stick with the fish taco from now on!

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