Unicorn Day Press Release

unicornday_inviteComediva.com, a comedy site for women, in their continued mission to provide a one-stop shop for a girl to get her giggle on, has declared April 15th “Unicorn Day.” Though previously known only as Tax Day, a day of torture, blight, and long lines at the post office, April 15th will now be synonymous with rainbows, glitter, and jellybean poop – all signs that we are on the horizon of a unicorn revolution.

“Unicorns save us from taxes!” was the rallying cry across the nation as scores of unicorn believers united in celebration of the new holiday.

Popular Unicorn Day activities include coloring and/or bedazzling 1040 and W-2 forms, glitter, “Make Your Own Horn” arts and crafts, unicorn puzzles, the consumption of “unicorn poop” (jellybeans) and “unicorn blood” (rainbow punch), as well as listening to unicorn-inspired music, such as Styx’s 1977 hit, “Come Sail Away.”

“It’s an amazing feeling to finally have a day to honor all of our magical accomplishments,” said Celeste, a unicorn.

“This has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that it’s also my birthday,” said Erika Cervantes, Comediva’s President/Founder.


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Comediva makes and shares fiercely funny female-driven comedy. Join the movement!

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