5 Doctor Who Mashups That’ll Make You Smile

How amazing has this week been for all us Whovians out there? The 50th Anniversary’s on the horizon, and we’re being inundated by all things Doctor Who, and life is perfection. So, so much perfection.

If you’re anything like me, you love yourself a good Doctor Who mashup, and I thought, why not bring some of my faves together here in one post. Here are 5 Doctor Who mashups that just makes a Whovian girl, or boy!, smile. Enjoy!


Illustrator: Amy Mebberson

AS IF the Doctor could get any more adorable. Well, ladies and gents, companions and wannabe companions, he can. Here’s the Doctor as Kermit. Yes, you read that right, Kermit the Frog. I’m two phone calls away from special ordering myself a Kermit Who plush doll!

Doctor Who Mashups

Doctor Who Mashups

Doctor Who Mashups


Illustrator: Karen Hallion

Is that Alice in Whoville? Why yes it is! Note the fez, the Bad Wolf, the awesome. Alice would definitely make a fabulous companion. She’s got all the makings of one: curiosity, need for adventure, attracting weirdos. Ya know, the usual.

Doctor Who Mashups

Doctor Who Mashups

Doctor Who Mashups


Illustrator: Dean T. Fraser

SIMPSONS, SIMPSONS, SIMPSONS! Doctor Who characters illustrated as Simpson characters is pretty damn awesome. I mean Davros, guys, Davros.

Doctor Who Mashups

Doctor Who Mashups

Doctor Who Mashups

Doctor Who Mashups


Illustrator: Larry Wentzel

Ack! Who wouldn’t read a Peanuts comic about Doctor Who? Just some dum-dum who lives under a rock, and hates all things that are wonderful. Basically, a Dalek wouldn’t. Though, how cute are they as Peanuts characters, too?

Doctor Who Mashups

Doctor Who Mashups

Doctor Who Mashups

Doctor Who Mashups


Illustrators: Mike Mayhew & Rainier Beredo

This happening would blow my little, geeky mind. In fact, I’ve heard many rumors mashing Doctor Who and Star Trek together. They are, indeed, two of my favorite fandoms. And really, who better to take out an overbearing cyberman than a Klingon? I mean, really, they’re just no match. A bat’leth to the neck, Worf, that’s all they need. Oh! The Doctor holding a bat’leth just popped into my head — things just got kinky.

Doctor Who Mashups


Love these Doctor Who Mashups? Check out our Doctor Who Pick-Up Lines!

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About the author

Hola! I’m Linda Yvette Chavez. I’m Comediva’s VP of Programming. I’m also a writer, director, and producer. But, more importantly, I’m an ice cream connoisseur, travel junkie, and dog mama. Do not challenge me to a dancing duel. You WILL lose. Follow me @lindayvette

View all articles by Linda Yvette Chavez

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