Wizards Are Gay. As in Awesome.

Granted, Gandalf never explicitly said anything about being into Saruman, like Dumbledore was into Grindelwald, but, come on: “elder,” unmarried man with a clear hobbit-dude-crush on Bilbo Baggins? Also, he’s played by Ian McKellan. [And I’m not even sure if I can think of anything witty to say that would make that statement clearer.]

So what is it about wizardhood that not only draws gays, but also propels them into unparalleled greatness?
  Behold!  An easy-to-read chart for your nerdgastic pleasure!

[Note: This is only focusing on [a very particular kind of] gay man.  Sorry, lesbians.  Expect a follow-up about Minerva McGonagall… someday.  Because you know Dumby was her lesbro.  And The Hog’s Head totally had Witches’ Nights/Wizards’ Nights.]

Gays Kick-Ass Wizards
Like dudes. Know how to handle a staff and/or wand.
They tell it like it is and keep bitches in check; think “Sassy Gay Friend.” They tell it like it is and keep bitches in check; think “Everything Dumbledore’s ever said/done” and “Everything Gandalf’s ever said/done.”  Face it.  They save bitches’ lives.
They wear what they want, know they look awesome, and don’t give a crap about what frumpy douchebags say. They wander around in harsh conditions wearing robes, and nobody f*cks with them.
Are very articulate. The clarity and power with which they pronounce spells are unmatched.
They’re awesome. They’re awesome.
My best friend is one. (potentially related to the previous entry.) I wish Dumbledore and Gandalf were my best friends. (Though, Kyle might be a wizard for all I know.  I’M ON TO YOU, KYLE.)

gandalf_080511Now some of you might be thinking, “But does it REALLY matter?  Does it?”

The answer is…”No.”

To be honest, there’s a reason Tolkien and Rowling never thought to mention anything “super gay” [whatever that means] about Gandalf and Dumbledore: and that’s because it just isn’t a big deal in Middle Earth and … England.

In fact, the most important lesson to be learned here is: Don’t be homophobic, ‘cause the person you offend might secretly be a BAMF wizard.


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About the author

Hi, friend! I'm Vickie Toro. I'm the lesbian in Lesbros, the creator and one of the writers of BAMF Girls Club, and the Frumpy Girl who commiserates with your Style Ineptness. I'm a Potterhead, water-dancer, and overall TV junky. Also sports movies make me cry.

View all articles by Vickie Toro

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