Which Whedon Witch Are You? Quiz

Growing up in the ’90s would be woefully incomplete without side ponytail make-overs, boy bands sing-alongs, and that angsty desire to cast a couple spells and withcraft your way out of your teen years.

Whedon Witches

Now, for those of us with a TV, the ’90s offered a sh*t-ton of sorceresses to pin your witchy dreams on — but there was one show that unmistakably had a witch for every woman: Joss Whedon’s classic show Buffy the Vampire Slayer featured some of TV’s most complex and badass witches. Given all the praise for his way with writing women, it’s no surprise that there’s a Whedon witch that all us gals can relate to.

Take our quiz to find out which witch you are from Buffy!

1. What is it about witchcraft that appeals to you?

a. It’s something my friends were kinda into. Peer pressure much?

b. I’m magical by nature, so I’m hoping it’s something I might be good at. Finally!

c. I was into witchcraft before it was cool.

d. Absolute power, the company of fellow sexy witches, and bad ass capes. In that order.

2. Your ideal man is:

a. A real animal, if ya know what I mean.

b. Tall, pale and handsome…at least, that’s this month’s featured flavor.

c. A chick.

d. A Machiavellian type–I need someone who gets me.

3. Your arch nemesis is:

a. Oh jeez. I don’t really have any enemies.

b. Hormones, unrequited love, and pretty much any girly problem the world has ever invented.

c. My family. I guess you could say I was cursed at birth by a plague of jack asses.

d. Anyone who stands in my path. Make way, witches!

4. The first thing people notice about you when they first meet you is:

a. I’m pretty darn adorkable. *gigglesnort*

b. That nagging feeling that they’ve met me before.

c. The way I talk, which some people find funnier than the things I say.

d. My looks; I love going all out with bold fashion. I’m such a Winter!

5. When push comes to shove, what’s your fighting style?

a. Watch my friends’ backs and they’ll watch mine.

b. The person I beat up the most is myself.

c. Fighting is more or less a spectator sport for me.

d. I open up a big ol’ can of whoop-ass. With my teeth.

6. Your celebrity idol is:

a.  Natalie Portman. The world needs more brainy babes!

b. Lindsay Lohan. Despite the chaos and scandal, you’ll always remember that fresh-faced teen she once was.

c. Ellen Degeneres. She’s knows who she is and isn’t afraid to share it.

d. Marilyn Manson. Bring on the destruction!

7. The thing that’s most important to you is:

a. Discovering my own power. I am Wiccan, hear me roar!

b. Boys, boys, boys.

c. Staying true to myself and my friends.

d. Total world domination. Emphasis on the word “total.”


***Scroll down for results!***








If you answered mostly…

A’s:  Then you’re Willow Rosenberg!

Willow Rosenberg

Adorable. Dorky. Adorably dorky. Like Willow, you’re a smart cookie who’s always looking to learn and always bettering herself because of it. While you are at times guilty of being that shy girl hiding behind a gravestone, you come out of your shell pretty quickly and can form super loyal friendships with relative ease.

B’s:  Then you’re Dawn Summers!

Dawn Summers

Magic is in your blood! Which makes you crazy powerful for someone who just dabbles in witchcraft but also makes you prone to kidnappings for blood rituals, unfortunately. Although you are often existing in a state of existential crisis and have a strong attraction to danger, you put your family first and have proven to be dedicated to those closest to you and that doesn’t go unnoticed.

C’s:  Then you’re Tara Maclay!

Tara Maclay

Much like Tara, you know who you are and radiate truth and positivity. While it’s great that you’re always open and willing to give people the benefit of the doubt, you would be wise to adopt a more discerning attitude and avoid psychopathic engineering students at all costs.

D’s:  Then you’re Dark Willow!

Dark Willow

Watch out world! You’re that friend that always takes it too far, even though you might not realize it or care. You have an intense desire to spread chaos and destruction, perhaps due to underlying feelings of emotional wreckage–but know that you can use your powers to change yourself for the better.


Love the Whedonverse?  Check out these Buffy the Vampire Slayer Pick-up Lines!

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About the author

Why hello there! I’m Suzy Pasqualetto, Comediva’s Production Coordinator and go-to gal for all our fellow funnygirls! Around the office, you’re likely to see me coordinating meetings, organizing like a mofo, and eating all of the hummus. I’m a big fan of animals, boys with lots of tattoos, good films, and sh*tty television. Follow me @UghNotSuzy

View all articles by Suzy Pasqualetto

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