Twins: Job Share

Hello, my darling friends and fellow comedivas!  I’m just tickled to share with you a touching tale of true love between dear pals.  This pick just goes to show how much human relationships can have in common with feline companionship.  When Cindy and Mindy, a pair of twins, interview for a shared office position, their potential employer seems doubtful of their ability to work side by side (I say he shouldn’t have advertised a shared position if he wasn’t going to fill it – sheesh!).

Despite his naysaying, the girls stand by their commitment to one another and prove their value as true BFFs!  Needless to say, the bond between the twins tugged not-so-gently on my heartstrings.  In case you’re confused, that’s just a fancy way of saying that it touched my heart.  And boy, did it.  I even think I caught Skittles tearing up — and we all know he’s the tougher of us two.

Skittles and I were both shocked by how uncannily the twins’ relationship resembled our own, though we were both unsure whether we identified more closely with Cindy or with Mindy.  I’d like to say that I share Cindy’s excellent phone skills, but Skittles quickly pointed out that he and Cindy do have the same persuasive power.  This is true, after all, I once tried to help Skittles start a life-coaching business out of our home, but Yamama didn’t approve of strangers coming in and out of the house.  She said they were vagabonds and tramps, but I still can’t understand why she would compare those poor people to secret agents and Disney movie dogs!

Anyhow, the twins’ relationship has inspired me to break out my yarn kit and get to some friendship bracelet making for Skittles and I (and sing that timeless friendship song! “one is silver and the other’s gold…” gosh, it’s just so true), so I must be off.

Skittles and I hope this pick prompts a warm and fuzzy cuddle session with your bestie, just as it did us!

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About the author

Lucille adores slapstick, vaudeville, and zany physical humor ... and cute, cuddly cat videos.  Are you a Lucille?

View all articles by Lucille Ballbuster

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