My Drunk Kitchen: Not Easy…

Hey, bitches, Shirley here, along with a Galifuckingakis.  [Get it?  Whatever.]  Needless to say, Mama Shirley had a shit-show of a night down at Pepe’s Bar and The Wench Living Room Floor last night, and I got smacked hard with the drunk munchies and decided to reward myself for making it home at least 50% clothed and without any mysterious love stains anywhere on my person with cookies. Now, cooking isn’t easy for me.  Generally speaking, cookbooks are written with words, and Frida was asleep, so I did what any confused and illiterate night-owl does when desperate for advice: I YouTubed. The result was the above Pick of the Week, which I will forever refer to as inspiration.

Or Aspiration.

We drinkers: each of us has a special talent [mine’s not giving a shit], and Harto — the show’s hostess — happens to kick ass at making one of the most mind-fucking tasks [drunchie-satisfaction] both hilarious, distracting [so you can keep your own drunchies in check], and comforting [we’ve all been there, and now we can feel less guilty about our own drunken shitshows.  Even if they aren’t as endearing as those of Harto.].

So, cheers to you, Harto, for being someone Mama Shirley can look up to!

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Shirley's surly and revels in lowbrow humor involving drinking, swearing or sex. Are you a Shirley?

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