For some men, manscaping is a necessity. For others, an art form. And like most art forms, there is a delicate balance between form and function. Below, we highlight a few artists, nay, happy-trailblazers — that have elevated underappreciated arts like body hair sculpture and beard decoration.
We revel at the men of Fuck Yeah Flower Beards and the beauty and the simplicity of the beard bouquet.
Even Rick Grimes got into the spirit. (OK, most likely, Photoshop got him into the spirit).
If you wanna date this guy, just touch his bat signal.
The only thing better than a bat signal on your chest is one ON YOUR FACE.
This guy got into the holiday spirit. This look could do wonders for Santa.
This man takes the fur bikini to a whole ‘nother level.
He looks tough but he’s a real angel.
This guy used his beard as an opportunity to question the meaning of life.
And as Eleanor Roosevelt once said, you never know how strong your beard is until you put hot ramen in it. (Loosely paraphrased quote).
This guy went above and beyond by creating two independent routes from his face to his nether regions. (In case you needed a map).
This is either a really creative way to say “I’m emotionally unavailable” or this guy is just really OCD about having toothpicks on-hand for after meals.
This guy doesn’t offer to buy you a martini, he offers you a sip from his chest-martini.
This guy has a Cthulhu growing out of his face!
This beard is dressed up for a classy yet whimsical occasion.
The back hair blowout is a process that takes true commitment. Most guys just put their back hair in a ponytail and call it a day.
And while manscaping may not be for everyone…
…Not sure how valid this is coming from a guy with a dick and balls on his chest.