How to Create the Greatest BFF Secret Handshake EVAR

Hey there, friends! Vickie (aka the Lesbian of Lesbros) here, super inspired by me and Lesbro Luis’s latest adventure.

That’s right; together, Luis and I have managed to harness the magic of our friendship in just a few sweet, sweet moves. And now we want to share that power with you and all of your best friends.

Devising the perfect secret handshake is no easy task, but the good news is perfection’s allllllll relative. Every BFF couple/trio/what-have-you has its own special blend of interests, quirks, and zeal:


1. Hydrate and stretch those limbs!


If you wanna get the most out of your handshake, and really push yourself to the limits to ensure optimum performance, you have to make sure your body’s ready. Handshake choreography is very serious bidness. And if you haven’t maybe worked out in awhile because you’re asthmatic and it’s allergy season and the last time you exercised you actually broke a limb, it might be a good idea to give your body some major forewarning.

2. Watch your favorite interpretive dance videos for inspiration.


When trying to embody the essence of you and your BFF’s favorite things, it’s important to remember: a) NOBODY likes expository writing/performance, especially not you and your BFF; b) You know you and your BFF have the creative capacity of some kind of da Vinci juggernaut. Vincernaut. Juggerdavinci. So have at it! Flex those brain muscles as much as you do your body muscles! Trust.

3. Create a list of the things that make you and your BFF’s hearts sing the most dulcet of tones.


Be it Game of Thrones, or Dirty Dancing, or even the suggestive nature of Spock’s salute, chances are you and your BFF are BFFs in the first place because of your shared interests. Put those beauts on full display!

Side note: The subtler the references/physical embodiments, the more rewarding it will be. Say you and your BFF just scored the last seats for the Star Trek sequel, and you handshake it up in line, and a stranger recognizes every reference made, BAM! NEW BEST FRIEND! SOCIALIZING! HUZZAH!

4. Identify some of one another’s quirks.


BFFness is all about embracing your BFF’s weirdness, because, as Dr. Seuss says, real love is when one person’s weirdness matches your own. So let go! Freak out! Celebrate your weirdnesses! TOGETHER.

5. Try to come up with the most fluid way to tie all the moves from steps 3 and 4 together.


Sometimes this might not work, because you’re both probably super awkward and can’t find a beat to save your life, so, you know, if anti-fluidity is your thang, then so be it.

And that’s all, folks! So go forth and show the world what you and your BFF can do!


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About the author

Hi, friend! I'm Vickie Toro. I'm the lesbian in Lesbros, the creator and one of the writers of BAMF Girls Club, and the Frumpy Girl who commiserates with your Style Ineptness. I'm a Potterhead, water-dancer, and overall TV junky. Also sports movies make me cry.

View all articles by Vickie Toro

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