Frida’s Earth Day Manifesto

This Earth Day, I urge you, my sisters in humanity, to remember your Earth Mother, and give her the love she deserves after centuries of rape and pillage.  Our male-centric society has ravished her with its wars, its industrial prostitution, its greed and selfishness.  We must take the time now to heal!  This can only be done by turning our backs on the culture that has turned its back on our Mother.  Turn off your televisions!  Throw out your cell phones!  Leave your little cars and houses and join me!  I write this now on a piece of felled birch bark with a twig, because even my Moleskine journal was created and manufactured by the oppressors.  We must all come together and rise up, one voice united!  ¡Viva la tierra!  And then, as in Avatar, the birds and creatures will join our fight, and we shall ride them through the streets, bringing glorious chaos and destruction to the powers that be.  Soon vines shall overrun the stock market, and every Starbucks shall be replaced by a bubbling stream.  We shall continue our pilgrimage throughout the land, trampling underfoot the vestiges of our former tormenters, until the Earth is ours again!!!

[Editor’s Note: Frida seems to have eaten some “not so safe” wild mushrooms during this trip.  She’s now back to fighting the man through more conventional means that do, indeed, involve the human-made internet, which Comediva simply can’t do without.  Sorry, Earth!  We still love you, too.]


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