Frida’s Boycott Roundup: Armageddon, Facebook and Cartoons!


 Any attempts at tweaking News headlines so that they hint at el fin del mundo, como:


J. Lo’s Rapture


– Ashton Kutcher Returning to Network Television  (Ay, a chill just ran down my spine.  Maybe they’re right: a lo mejor this is the end of days.)Facebook-baby_080511

2. Facebook

Why:  Recently, Facebook introduced an “Expected: Child” relationship option in profiles after several parents started giving their unborn children their own Facebook profiles.  Disculpa, but what’s gonna happen when that fetus grows up y descubre that his parents shared several ultrasound pictures of his unborn pipi to millions of strangers all across the web?

It’s clear to me that this is in direct violation of fetus privacy rights! 


Send the mensaje that this kind of oversharing is wrong by boycotting any Facebook “oversharing” activities like:

– Tagging a friend in a very unflattering foto you took of them 20 years ago — probably one where this friend was either drunk, high, just waking up, or was going through puberty.

– “Liking” fan pages that reveal something about you we don’t want to know, como, the fact that you’re into “Harry Potter Slash Fan Fiction.”

– Updating your Facebook status with any non-life threatening, minor health problemas you just found out you have.  (e.g., “Doctor just told me I got another fungal infection in my toe.  Aw, man.  I guess that means no foot sex for a whole month!”)

3.  Saturday Morning Cartoonsducktales_080511

Why:  Companias are now utilizing product placement in television shows to encourage children to eat unhealthy foods.  We need to show these evil corporaciónes th at their dubious marketing strategies are not welcome in our children’s programming — especially not on our Saturday morning cartoons favoritos!


Any Saturday Morning Cartoon episodio clásico that was re-animated for the purposes of “product placement” like:

DuckTales, Episode 555, where Scrooge McDuck replaces his Olympic-style pool of gold coins con gallons of ice-cold, refreshing Coca-Cola.

Captain Planet, Episode 625, where Captain Planet falls in love with “Clean Coal Girl.”

X-men, Episode 567, where Wolverine uses Old Spice Body Wash to get Jean Grey to make out with him.

The Animaniacs, Episode 465, where Yakko, Wakko, and Dot switch over to Verizon Wireless.

Batman: The Animated Series, Episode 876, where The Batmobile gets destroyed by The Joker, and Batman and Robin rush to find a quality replacement on

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