Comediva Pick: The T-Mobile Royal Wedding

At first it seems as if we’re simply watching the start of the royal wedding. However, this quickly turns into a full-fledged dance procession, set to the 90s hit, “House of Love.”

Standing out among the dancing royals and wedding guests was the distinguished Bishop of London. His crowd-pumping arm movements and oddly limber footwork were something only a man of his divine standing could accomplish.

Prince Harry did his part to steal the show as well. (And can we take a second to appreciate the dead-on similarity between this prince imposter and the man himself?) Harry’s trip down the royal walkway showcased some moves more appropriate for London nightclubs than the Westminster Abbey.

Finally, Prince William and Kate made their grand entrance. On his big day, William certainly brought his a-game, complete with something between royal fist pumps and jazz hands. The Duchess of Cambridge makes the most of her inhibitive wedding garb, rocking out with her royal bouquet and undoubtedly straining a few seams in the gown along the way.

Well done, T-Mobile. With this viral parody, you’ve managed to convince a good amount of people that the royal wedding was actually one giant dance party in a church!

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