Author Archives: Kat Dudkiewicz

Full Name: Kat Dudkiewicz Website:
Info: Coming from the land of cheese and more cheese, Kat Dudkiewicz (Dud-ka-witz) was raised in Waukesha, WI. She's a die-hard Packers fan, and her Mother was a cheerleader for the Pack in the '60s. Legit proof can be shown upon request. Kat went to University of Minnesota (go Gophs?) where she fell head first into advertising. Coming out of school concussion-free, she now resides in Chicago, IL, and makes you buy things with her passion for crafting ads. A one time and currently aspiring cat-owner, she decided to start Pixel Date: A blog about men, cats, and the Internet....her three favorite things. Makes total sense, right?