Author Archives: Alicia Ostarello

Full Name: Alicia Ostarello Website:
Alicia Ostarello just quit her full time job to be a professional dater. She's also a freelance copywriter and creative writer, and has a still unfounded dream of being an Italian Greyhound owner. Until the pup of her dreams shows up, she enjoys thinking about cinnamon toast but not eating it, discussing types of triangles loudly on public transit, and asking for the opinion of strangers.
Alicia Ostarello just quit her full time job to be a professional dater. She's also a freelance copywriter and creative writer, and has a still unfounded dream of being an Italian Greyhound owner. Until the pup of her dreams shows up, she enjoys thinking about cinnamon toast but not eating it, discussing types of triangles loudly on public transit, and asking for the opinion of strangers.